
Happy couple using laptop in the kitchenHappy couple using laptop in the kitchen

Feasibility Study


1 site visit (1 hr), Research, Feasibility Study Report and 1 follow up call (1 hr)



We have designed our Feasibility Study as a valuable first step that establishes a clear vision for moving forward. Based on an analysis of zoning by-laws, authorities having jurisdiction and required approvals, property opportunities and constraints, program requirements, and budget, we provide a comprehensive report that will serve as the foundation of your project.  

We will work with you to address the following questions:

  • What is your wish list?
  • What are your priorities (budget, aesthetics, comfort, utility costs, environmental goals etc.)?
  • What changes might you consider in the future?
  • What approvals are required?   Who are the authorities having Jurisdiction?
  • Is your idea within budget/how much could the idea cost? 
  • How long will the project take to complete? Will the project be phased? 
  • What team is required for the project and what is the process from design through to construction? 
  • What are the possibilities and limitations for your site/building (zoning, trees etc.)?
  • What additional information needs to be investigated to clarify outstanding questions? 

Includes:  1 site visit (1 hr), Research, Feasibility Study Report and 1 follow up call (1 hr)